AM Hoch

AM HOCH, Self-portrait (in-progress), installation with paintings on mirrors, began 2005
AM Hoch (a.k.a. Amy Hotch) has exhibited her paintings and interdisciplinary installations combining painting, sculpture, original text, and digital technologies in museums and galleries in the United States and Europe, including: “Metamorphosis,” a permanent installation in Ionian University, Corfu, Greece; “Young Boat (Future Reflection Sister Past),” a Special Project installation for SetUp Art Fair 2015, Bologna, Italy; a live broadcast of excerpts (in Italian) of “The Diary” from Bologna’s Radio Città del Capo from Casa dei Pensieri Libreria for the national Festa dell’Unità; “Diary of a Young Boat in Three Movements,” a site-specific installation with live narrator at Cartoleria 18 Cooperativa, Bologna, Italy; an installation at Laboratorio degli Angeli, Bologna; “Metamorfosi di una barca,” a site-specific installation in the Museo del Castello, Bagnara di Romagna, Italy; “Mitosis: Formation of Daughter Cells,” an interdisciplinary installation, commissioned and exhibited by the Beall Center for Art and Technology, in Irvine, California, and later adapted for the Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Spoleto, Italy; “interstices,” a site-specific installation at the Alice Austen House Museum, New York; “I keep forgetting . . . it’s not working,” a site-specific installation at the Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin, Germany. Solo painting exhibitions include one-person shows at Deutsches Haus, Columbia University, New York City; and LaMama La Galleria, NYC.
Ms. Hoch has received numerous grants throughout her career, including an artist-in-residency from Altos De Chavon, in the Dominican Republic; a project grant from the State Senate in Berlin, Germany; and two Gottlieb Emergency Grants. She was a research artist at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Museum, New York. Ms. Hoch received a large-scale commission from the Beall Center for Art and Technology to launch their 2004 season. In 2014/2015 AM Hoch was awarded a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant. In 2018 she was awarded the Seal of the Ionian University of Corfu in recognition of her artistic career.
Born in New York City, AM Hoch currently lives and works in Bologna, Italy.
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AM Hoch (anche conosciuta come Amy Hotch) ha esposto i suoi dipinti e le sue installazioni in musei e gallerie di Stati Uniti e d’Europa. Incluso, “Metamorphosis,” Ionian University, Corfu, Greece; “Young Boat (Future Reflection Sister Past),” a Special Project installation for SetUp Art Fair 2015, Bologna, Italy; “Diary of a Young Boat in Three Movements,” a site-specific installation with live narrator at Cartoleria 18 Cooperativa, Bologna, Italy; “A. M. Hoch at Laboratorio degli Angeli,” Bologna; Portrait of a Young Boat,” un’istallazione site-specific al Museo del Castello, Bagnara di Romagna, Mitosis: Formation of Daughter Cells installazione commissionata (ed dal medesimo esposta) dal Beall Center for Art and Technology, presso Irvine (California), e successivamente riadattata per la Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Spoleto; interstices, installazione specifica per Alice Austen House Museum, New York; I keep forgetting . . . it’s not working, istallazione presso il Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlino. Esposizione personale di pittura, inclusa la mostra personale presso il Deutsches Haus, Columbia University, New York City; LaMama La Galleria, NYC.
Hoch ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti durante la sua carriera, inclusi una residenza d’artista presso Altos De Chavon, nella Repubblica Dominicana; un progetto finanziato dal Senato Statale in Berlino, e una borsa di studio statale a Berlino e due borse di studio del Gottlieb Foundation. Artista ricercatrice presso Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Museum, New York. Hoch ha inoltre ricevuto una commissione su larga scala da parte di Beall Center for Art and Technology per l’inizio della loro stagione nel 2004. In 2014/2015, AM Hoch ha ricevuto il premio Pollock-Krasner Foundation. Nel 2018 le è stato conferito il Sigillo dell’Ionian University di Corfù per la sua carriera artistica.
Nata in New York City, AM Hoch attualmente vive e lavora a Bologna.