Carlo Valentini, “Opere d’arte cedute a tempo,” Italia Oggi, January 19, 2015
“L’artista newyorkese Amy Hoch propone opere d’arte cedute a tempo,”, January 21, 2015
“Synapses: open studio event/studio d’artista a porte aperte,” BolognaToday, January 14, 2015
Lorenzo Paci, “Tutto SetUp!”, Equilibri, January 19, 2015
“Synapses: Open Studio Event,” Artribune, 2015
“Presentazione opere di A.M. Hoch @ SetUp Art Fair 2015”, Wherevent, 2015
“Presentazione opere A. M. Hoch,” Genus Bononiae, January 2013
*Lorenzo Madaro, “Disegni e installazioni dell’artista americana Amy Hotch ‘vivono’ gli spazi di un laboratorio di restauro nella città vecchia,”, February 1, 2013.
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“Interview with A. M. Hoch on her installation “Metamorfosi di una barca,” cultureWAVES, blog by Sarah Kornfeld
“Remix of Memory: Science/Art with J Nichols and Ame Hoch,” cultureWAVES, March 29, 2010
“Theater of Memory: Working with Ame Hoch,” cultureWAVES, February 11, 2010,
*Roberta Carasso, “Function vs. dysfunction: Artist’s installation creates a total environment for
considering human existence on many levels,” Irvine World News, January 15, 2004.
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“Artfront/Waterfront,” Tema Celeste, no.93, p.113, September/October 2002.
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Michael J. Fressola, “On the Arts,” Staten Island Sunday Advance, October 13, 2002.
*Holland Cotter, “Rain or Shine, Residing Outdoors,” New York Times, Vol. CLI, No.52,205, August 9, 2002.
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“Artfront/Waterfront: Artists Explore the Staten Island North Shore,” Antiques and the Arts Weekly, June 14, 2002.
Dárdai Zsuzsa, Saxon Szász Janos, et al, ÁRNYÉKKÖTŐK ALKOTÓCSOPORT, No. 30-31,
Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
Selected online links
Beall Center For Art and Technology – A.M. Hoch – Mitosis: Formation of Daughter Cells
Site-ations: Alice Austen House Installation
Site-ations: September 11th (painting)
YouTube : Metamorfosi di una barca by A. M. Hoch