A. M. HOCH, Couple #1, oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches, 2001
A. M. HOCH, Couple #2, oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches, 2001
A. M. HOCH, Couple #3, oil on canvas with resin, 48 x 36 inches, 2001
A. M. HOCH, Dark Couple, oil on canvas with resin, 36 x 48 inches, 2006
A. M. HOCH, Conjoined Couple, oil on conjoined canvases, approximately 72 x 60 inches, 2001
A. M. HOCH, Long Couple (with fingers in face), oil on canvas, 60 x 36 inches, 2007
A. M. HOCH, Entangled Couple (pink), oil on canvas, approximately 18.25 x 15.25 inches, 2009
A. M. HOCH, Rimbaud and His Mother, oil on canvas, approximately 37 x 30.5 inches, 2009
A. M. HOCH, Punk Love (small), oil on canvas, mounted on canvas, approximately 27.75 x 24 inches, 2009
A. M. Hoch, Punk Love (large), oil on canvas, 55 x 34.25 inches, 2013
A. M. HOCH, Young Woman Carrying a Sick Baby Elephant, oil on canvas, 23.6 x 23.6 inches (approximately), 2010
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